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In 2014, FEMYSO was invited to be on the European Steering Group for this new ENAR project. The project, a partnership between the anti-racist (ENAR) and feminist (EWL) movements, is a key step in a broader advocacy strategy that aims to get the Member States of the European Union to adopt specific strategies on the inclusion of Muslims and to demonstrate the need for an improved implementation of EU equality law. 

The project aims to document the disproportionate effect of Islamophobia on Muslim women, foster cross-group partnership and develop alliances be-tween the anti-racist and feminist movements in order to better address the intersectional discrimination affecting Muslim women (gender, race, class and religion), counter stereotypes about Muslim women and promote positive messages and provide analysis to improve the implementation of equality law in cases of discrimination against Muslim women. The project will take place in 5 countries, chosen to get a representative picture of the situation of Muslim women in the European Union.