We are always looking for exciting partners to work with who can help us achieve our goals in working for a more diverse, cohesive and vibrant Europe.
By partnering with FEMYSO, you will work closely with one of the largest pan-European youth organisations and you will have the opportunity to contribute towards the development and empowerment of many young people across Europe.
Our partners contribute to FEMYSO in different ways from collaboration, funding, development and much more.
Agree with the FEMYSO vision and mission
Propose a project that can make our partnership flourish
Passionate to contribute to the development and empowerment of young people across Europe
Believe in diversity and equality
Procedure to become a partner:
Fill in partner request form
We will get in touch with you
Please send us an email on and we will get back to you as soon as possible. In your email, please cover the following areas:
Details about your organisation (name, type, country, contact person)
Why would you like to become a partner of FEMYSO
Which projects would you like to propose?