For many years FEMYSO have been organising Study Sessions bringing together young participants from Europe with different social and cultural backgrounds.
What is a “Study Session”?
Study sessions are usually delivered as a co-operation between FEMYSO and the Council of Europe’s Youth Department. They are an international educational youth seminar, lasting anything between four to eight days, which bring together members of our youth organisations and experts for discussions on a specific subject. They are hosted by one of the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg or Budapest.
Below you can find the links with more details on our recent Study sessions.
While further below you can find a list of our upcoming study session and previous one

2023 - Budapest
Debugging Artificial Intelligence

2022 - Budapest
Mind the Gap

2021 - Budapest
Active Citizens

2021 - Ilot des Combes
Step Up & Take Action
Europe, May & September 2023
Media Incubator
Europe, May & September 2023
Budapest, March 2023
Debugging Artificial Intelligence
Budapest, March 2023
Budapest, March 2022
Mind the Gap
Budapest, March 2022
Europe, August & December 2021
Advocacy Incubator
Europe, August & December 2021
Budapest, July 2021
Active Citizens
Budapest, July 2021
Îlot des Combes, July 2021
Step Up & Take Action
Îlot des Combes, July 2021
Strasbourg, March 2020
Strasbourg, March 2020
Strasbourg, October 2019
No Hate Speech Network
Strasbourg, October 2019
Budapest, March 2019
Reclaim Your Narrative
Budapest, March 2019
Brussels, May 2016
Building Partnerships For Equality And Against Intolerance And Discrimination [workplan]
Brussels, May 2016
Budapest, May 2015
Together Against Islamophobia – Acting for Human Rights
Budapest, May 2015
Istanbul, November 2014
Build My NGO - week 3 [Workplan]
Istanbul, November 2014
Strasbourg, November 2014
Build My NGO - week 2 [Workplan]
Strasbourg, November 2014
Brussels, November 2014
Build My NGO - week 1 [Workplan]
Brussels, November 2014
Strasbourg, November 2014
ADVOCACY SEMINAR. say no to islamophobia - from words to action
Strasbourg, November 2014
Budapest, June 2014
Say NO to Hate! Young people addressing hate speech from interreligious perspective
Budapest, June 2014
Europe-wide, all of 2013
Green Up My Community Campaign
Europe-wide, all of 2013
Brussels, June 2013
Research Project: “The Situation of European Muslim Youth"
Brussels, June 2013
Belgium, April 2012
Social Inclusion And Documentary Making [Seminar]
Belgium, April 2012
Berlin, December 2012
Green Up My Community Seminar
Berlin, December 2012
Strasbourg, December 2011
Secularism and Religions: Working Together for a Common Europe
Strasbourg, December 2011
Brussels, July 2011
Brussels, July 2011
Strasbourg, May 2011
Combating Islamophobia Through Intercultural And Interreligious Work
Strasbourg, May 2011
Brussels, March 2011
Brussels Talks : "Ethics in Economics"
Brussels, March 2011
Brussels, January-June 2011
Leadership Training Program - “PRODUCING THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW”
Brussels, January-June 2011
La-Chaux-de-fond, 2010
“Finding Our Voice: How to Engage with the Media”
La-Chaux-de-fond, 2010
Nottingham, 2009
Leadership Training Programme (Phase I)
Nottingham, 2009
Granada, March 2009
"Interreligious Dialogue: Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow, A European Muslim Perspective"
Granada, March 2009
Albania, 2008
“Overcome Fundamentalism – Overcome Violence. An inter-religious training course”, in cooperation with EYCE
Albania, 2008
December 2007
Monologue or dialogue – Inter-religious dialogue meets fundamentalism
December 2007
Brussels, November 2007
Cultural Festival - “Express Your Creativity”. This was a Europe wide competition within five artistic fields: Literature, Film, Tajweed, Visual Arts, Music
Brussels, November 2007
Barcelona, 2006
Seminar “Finding one voice: Faith based education as a tool for avoiding misunderstandings and overcoming prejudices”, Barcelona Spain, with EUJS, EYCE, FIMCAP, JECI-MIEC, Minorities of Europe, Pax Christi, WSCF-E, YFJ
Barcelona, 2006
Strasbourg, March 2006
“Overcoming Islamophobia - promoting inter-religious dialogue and co-operation”, a Study Session organized in cooperation with EYCE
Strasbourg, March 2006
July 2006
Youth Inter-religious dialogue as a bridge to peace, in collaboration with JECI-MIEC, WSCF and EUJS
July 2006
Brussels, September 2006
Seminar “Muslims in the Media“ with the collaboration of the British Council Brussels, European Policy Centre and King Baudouin Foundation
Brussels, September 2006
Brussels, January 2006
Brussels Talks: Islamophobia in the Media
Brussels, January 2006
Seminar: Juma – Shabat – Sunday, with EUJS, EYCE, FIMCAP, JECI-MIEC, Paxi Christi, and WSCF-E
Malta, 2005
Inter-religious seminar on “Gender & Religion”, in cooperation with EYCE
Malta, 2005
Bosnia Herzegovina, March 2005
Part of the National Youth Policy Advisory Mission for Bosnia Herzegovina within the Council of Europe
Bosnia Herzegovina, March 2005
Greece, November 2004
Intercultural and inter-religious dialogue to avoid conflicts, 15-22 November 2004, Greece, with EYCE
Greece, November 2004
Oslo, 2004
Young People as agents of inter-religious dialogue, Oslo, with WSCF
Oslo, 2004
Budapest, June 2004
“Islamophobia and its consequences on Young People” Seminar with the Council of Europe (CoE), the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), the European Youth Forum (YFJ), Young Women from Minorities (YWFM) and FPRY at the European Youth Centre (Budapest, Hungary - June 2004). One of the significant results of this seminar has been recommendations to European Member States and a publication by the Council of Europe that is now recognised as a reference on the topic of Islamophobia at an institutional level.
Budapest, June 2004
Strasbourg, December 2003
Study Session “Islam in Europe” with European Educational Exchanges - Youth For Understanding (Estonia- Oct. 2003) followed by a study session (Strasbourg, France - Dec. 2003)
Strasbourg, December 2003
Tallinn, October 2003
Seminar on “Islam in Europe” with European Educational Exchanges - Youth For Understanding (Estonia- Oct. 2003) followed by a study session (Strasbourg, France - Dec. 2003)
Tallinn, October 2003
October 2003
Inter-religious Dialogue event in Oct. 2003 where nine youth NGOs with Christian, Jewish and Muslim backgrounds met forming the Faith Based Expert Group (FBEG). This group has now received expert status within the European Youth Forum and has published an important Training Kit on Inter-religious dialogue for youth.
October 2003
Brussels, September 2003
Organisation of a colloquium in the European Parliament on “Muslim Youth in Europe: enrichment of society?”
Brussels, September 2003
Budapest, October 2002
Human Rights – The contribution of European Muslims
Budapest, October 2002
Contribution to “COMPASS - A Manual on Human Rights Education with Young People” with the Council of Europe (2002)