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Media Mentions

FEMYSO in the media


Hiba Latreche on Islamophobia in France and the French Presidential Elections – CNN 

“We’re constantly being marginalized, excluded from society and then being told that we’re not taking part in society,” said Latreche. Being refused agency and choice over our own lives and contribution to society, , inevitably has a negative effect on my mental health and that of my friends. 

Read and watch the full interview here: 



Hande Taner Opinion Piece: International Day Against Racism – Brussels Morning  

Muslims have been made the answer to every insecurity and every uncertainty. Europe’s worries in the face of an unknowable future have been summed up in an obsession. ‘The Muslim must be stopped.’ ‘The Muslim must be driven out from public life.’ ‘The Muslim must be restrained and restricted.’ ‘Their Europeanness must be challenged even if they were born and raised here.’ 

Read the full piece here: 



Hande Taner on Sebastian Kurz Resignation – TRT World

FEMYSO President Hande Taner appeared on TRTWorld that evening to discuss the events of the day in light of the resignation of Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.   

Watch the interview here: 


Burak Barut on Greek Ban on Ritual Religious Slaughter – TRT World 

This ongoing conversation required the input of Muslim youth, therefore our Head of Training Burak Barut appeared on TRT World to present a unified inter-religious voice condemning this decision and its impacts on the lives of young people, and religious communities in Greece and across Europe. 

Watch the video here:  



Hande Taner on Council of Europe Pulling Hijab Campaign – BBC News 

“The campaign itself is still on” but added: “As for why the tweet was deleted, I can’t speak on behalf of the Council of Europe. It’s really sad that the efforts of minority youth are being attacked and undermined” by politicians.  

Read the full article here:



Hande Taner on Council of Europe Pulling Hijab Campaign – Deutsche Welle 

It is another example of how the rights of Muslim women are non-existent to those who claim to represent or protect notions such as liberty, equality and freedom.  

Watch the video here: 

Read the full article here: 


Hande Taner on Council of Europe Pulling Hijab Campaign – Al Jazeera 

‘Sadly Paris is currently the Capital of western prejudice. France’s biggest export is racism’. 

Watch the video here: 



Young people harassed at EP event – EURACTIV

“disgusting Islamophobic rhetoric was shouted in the microphone directed to the moderator.” 

Read the full article here: 



Nourhene Mahmoudi Opinion Piece: European Day Against Islamophobia – Brussels Morning 

The challenges ahead are numerous, but in an anti-European, anti-institutional age where nationalism is the resurgent norm, we must choose to trust and believe in civil society, in our institutions and in their capacity to protect the vulnerable and guarantee equal rights for each and every inhabitant. 

Read the full piece here: 


Civil Society Open Letter to Emmanuel Macron

Over 20 groups that bring young Europeans together call on the French president to stop stirring up hatred and embrace France’s cherished principles of Egalité, Liberté, Fraternité.

Read the full letter here:


Hande Taner on the European Parliament Elections– TRT World 

On FEMYSO’s engagement with Muslim youth ahead of the European elections, discussing the key issues why Muslims need to vote and fulfil our civic duty.
