“a list of publications that FEMYSO published or contributed towards”
Since 2004, FEMYSO has authored or co-authored some publications which we have saved in this page.
Your Vote, Your Voice' Campaign '24 Toolkit
As an integral component of the ‘Your Vote, Your Voice’ campaign, this toolkit is your go-to resource for actively participating in the European Elections and shaping the future of Europe as a young European Muslim. Whether you’re a dedicated ‘Your Vote, Your Voice’ Campaign Ambassador, a devoted board member, a passionate volunteer of one of our Member Organisations (MOs), a member of the expansive FEMYSO network, or simply a responsible and change-driven EU Muslim citizen looking to make a difference, this toolkit is here to guide and assist you.
This toolkit offers a diverse range of resources and tools carefully curated to enhance your engagement in the voting process and influence decision-making. From campaign strategies to advocacy techniques, you will find everything you need to tailor your local European Election Campaign and make a meaningful impact on a European scale.
The toolkit document can be accessed here.

Voices of Diversity: FEMYSO’s Manifesto for an Inclusive Europe
The upcoming European Parliamentary Elections bear a great significance in the future direction of the European Union. With recent polls suggesting an upswing for right-wing political parties , there exists a pervasive sense of concern among Muslim youth across Europe regarding the political landscape and the security of their rights. This unease persists as they continue to grapple with being marginalised throughout society. Taking a proactive approach, the FEMYSO Election manifesto is a series of policy asks to our to-be elected representatives raising awareness of the issues that most concern young European Muslims. This manifesto also enables the Muslim youth to exercise their democratic rights in holding their elected representatives to account, and fully participate as active citizens. This manifesto has been developed through rigorous consultation with the network of Muslim Youth and Student organisations that FEMYSO represents. These national organisations were conferred with, ensuring that a diverse range of opinions were expressed, and that the following recommendations are truly reflective of the European Muslim youth. Through these pledges, our future decision-makers have a unique opportunity to make a difference to the lives of young European Muslims.
The manifesto document can be accessed here.

Outbreak of Generosity - Toolkit
In light of the situation caused by the outbreak of COVID-19, FEMYSO has decided to launch a Europe wide campaign, Outbreak of Generosity.
This campaign aims to inspire young people across Europe to provide support to vulnerable people and each other in a completely safe manner.
To enable this, we have created an interactive toolkit, which was translated in 16 languages.
Download it on the OoG website!

Your Vote Your Voice - Toolkit
With this campaign toolkit, FEMYSO provided young citizens with the necessary tools to engage with the European elections, and to bring their voice to the political debate. As an official, non-partisan* partner for the EE19 campaign, FEMYSO aimed to cultivate a generation of young active citizens who know how to raise their voice within the EU.
The goal of this campaign was to increase the civic engagement and democratic participation of European Muslim youth in the upcoming European Elections by strengthening their knowledge of the institutions of the European Union; by encouraging them to commence and contribute to political debates about European issues; and to actively engage with their national MEPs and MEP candidates.

IMAN Project - Handbook

The Green Up! - Toolkit
If you want to help your mosque or Islamic group to adopt more environmentally friendly practices, then the Green Up! Toolkit is just what you need! Whether you want your mosque to introduce recycling programmes or set up a community garden, this toolkit aims to give you everything you need to run an effective campaign – from key statistics and Islamic references on environmental issues to guidance on how to plan and implement environmentally friendly

Research Project
This report sought to develop a greater understanding of European Muslim youth awareness and experiences of the far-right and its anti-Muslim narrative in both the national and European contexts. The report also aimed to highlight how European Muslim youth currently respond to the far-right anti-Muslim narrative in both the national and European contexts. The report endeavoured to explore the ways European Muslim youth might respond to the far-right anti-Muslim narrative in the future. In the long term the report aimed to document European Muslim youth experiences, inform and improve European policy and understanding, and to encourage on-going research into the European Muslim experience.

Guidelines for Educators on Countering Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims
These Guidelines have been developed to support educators in countering intolerance and discrimination against Muslims. They are intended for a wide audience, including education policymakers and officials, teacher trainers, teachers, principals and head teachers, staff in teacher unions and professional associations, and members of NGOs. The Guidelines are relevant for both primary and secondary education and can also be used in non-formal education settings.

The "Citizenship" Leaflet
This leaflet encouraged young Muslims to be active and engaged citizens of Europe at all levels of society, accepting and realising that they belong to the European society and the European society belongs to them.

Training Kit in Inter-Religious Dialogue
This Training Kit on inter-religious dialogue was designed to help and train young people to carry out IRD activities. It was published as part of the work of the Faith Based Expert Group (FBEG) in 2008 of which FEMYSO was a member of

Three Faiths - One Voice
“Three faiths – one voice” for a “T-Kit” on Inter-Religious Dialogue in 2006: The Expert Group on Inter-Religious Dialogue was an initiative of several networks of youth organisations who were convinced of the need to struggle for a multi-religious, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society where diversity is not seen as a burden but as a benefit for society. In the context of escalating intolerance, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and religious attrition in Europe and beyond, the Expert Group was convinced that education on religions and Inter-Religious Dialogue as a tool for peace.

Thinking Allowed: What do Europeans Think About The French Legislation on The Banning of Religious Symbols?
Research conducted by FEMYSO in 2004