In the current fast pacing technological evolution, we need to consider the impact of new tools introduced in our society. The central role Artificial Intelligence (AI) started gaining in the last decades with application to different fields, from public authorities screening to social media applications, need to be accompanied by the mindfulness of its effects on young people’s rights. Following the Council of Europe ‘s10-point recommendation on AI and human rights, in particular the importance of promoting “AI literacy”, this study session gathering European youth with diverse minority backgrounds aims to contribute to develop a baseline awareness accessing and understanding information technology among marginalised groups.
Therefore, FEMYSO, through its network of 32 youth and student member organisations from 21 European countries aims to raise awareness, engage, train and empower an international group of young people, of minority backgrounds, with diverse experiences to come together and tackle the Issue of Artificial intelligence and its impact on our society
This project aligns with the Council of Europe’s Priority 1. Revitalizing pluralistic democracy and 3. Living together in peaceful and inclusive societies. This will be implemented through various means as trainings, workshops and case studies. We aim to develop this baseline awareness, so they become active change-makers for promoting mindful civic engagement by the means of technology amongst disadvantaged young people. This will combat all forms of discrimination on the grounds of Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights by upskilling participants in developing their intercultural skills and reinvigorate respect to diversity. Through non-formal and human rights education this study session will equip young people with the tools and knowledges they need to identify, analyse and act on this specific type of technological discrimination, at personal and community level. The participants, who will be young multipliers from all over Europe, will develop solutions that can be implemented in their own organisation, in turn forming other young generations on AI Literacy.