“A list of FEMYSO’s partners from within the Civil Society”

Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe
The Advisory Council on Youth (ACoY) is the non-governmental partner in the co-management structure which establishes the standards and work priorities of the Council of Europe’s youth sector and makes recommendations for future priorities, programmes and budgets. FEMYSO is currently represented on the ACoY for the mandate 2020-2021.

Conference of European Churches
a fellowship bringing together 114 churches from Orthodox, Protestant, and Anglican traditions from all over Europe for dialogue, advocacy, and joint action.
Together we strengthen our common witness, act in service to Europe and the world, promote peace, and work for the unity of the Church.

European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) is a unique human rights monitoring body which specialises in questions relating to the fight against racism, discrimination, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance in Europe; it prepares reports and issues recommendations to member States.

European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network
(ERGO Network)
European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network. ERGO Network is a young and dynamic organisation established in 2008 by a small group of NGOs who shared the observation that everyday realities of Roma communities were hardly taken into account in policy development and implementation.

INGOs Conference of the Council of Europe
The INGO Conference of the Council of Europe is a space for free and innovative participation of committed citizens, offering the possibility to contribute directly to the construction of Europe. It is the only assembly of NGOs playing an institutional role in an international intergovernmental organisation. FEMYSO has been a member of the INGO Conference since 2004.

No Hate Speech Network
The No Hate Speech Network is a network set up by 110 activists and their organisations – partners to the campaign, and it is open for new members. It will work on co-ordinating the various activists and organisations who work against hate speech, making sure that they can set up partnerships, raise their proposals and points when it comes to standards and approaches in countering hate speech. The Network was established as a result of the No Hate Speech Movement campaign which was initiated by the Advisory Council and led by the Council of Europe’s Youth Department between 2013 and 2017.

SinanWren Foundation
Sinan Wren Foundation’s mission is predicated on three spheres of thinking incorporating; innovation, inspiration and identity. Each sphere of learning revolves around its axis enabling the foundation to continuously create and disseminate intellectual and knowledge capital whilst at the same time facilitating the global interaction of building bridges amongst people and communities.

Young European Federalists
Young European Federalists (JEF) is a political youth organisation. Active in most European countries, it seeks to promote European integration through the strengthening and democratisation of the European Union (EU).

Anti-racism and Diversity Intergroup
The European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) exists to promote racial equality, counter racism, and educate about non-discrimination in the work of the European Parliament.

CEJI - A Jewish Contribution to an inclusive Europe
CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe is a non-governmental organisation based in Brussels, Belgium. Established in 1991, the organisation's areas of expertise include: education; inclusion and social cohesion; discrimination and xenophobia; hate speech and hate crime; media and digital literacy. FEMYSO and CEJI collaborated on various initiatives over the years, and you can read here a co-authored article ‘How to combat anti-Semitism and Islamophobia?’ published at the EU Observer.

European Students' Union
The aim of ESU is to represent and promote the educational, social, economic and cultural interests of students at the European level towards all relevant bodies and in particular the European Union, Bologna Follow Up Group, Council of Europe and UNESCO. FEMYSO is currently an associate member of ESU.

International Roma Youth Network
TernYpe - International Roma Youth Network is a network of youth and youth associations, which creates space for young people to become active citizens through empowerment, mobilisation, self-organisation and participation. The organisation believes in the common efforts by creating trust, and mutual respect between Roma and non-Roma youth.

Open Society Foundations
Open Society Foundations is an international grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros. Open Society Foundations financially support civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media.

World Student Christian Federation
(WSCF) – Europe
WSCF Europe is part of a global federation of grassroot Student Christian Movements (SCMs). These local organisations work on campuses and nationally to bring Christian students from all denominations together to work on issues of social justice. As a global organisation the World Student Christian Federation connects SCMs through events, networks and solidarity/advocacy work. WSCF Europe bring students from our 28 SCMs across Europe together through international conferences, campaigns and the student journal Mozaik.

Youth of European Nationalities
Youth of European Nationalities (YEN) is the largest network of youth organisations of autochthonous, national and linguistic minorities in Europe. Under the slogan “Living Diversity”, YEN represents the interests of young members of national, ethnic and linguistic minorities. Currently 41 member organisations from 18 countries are represented in YEN. YEN has been advocating for the interests of minorities, with a special focus on young people. Together with its member organisations, YEN aims for a dynamic, multicultural, and above all multilingual, Europe.

European Network Against Racism - ENAR
ENAR is the only pan-European anti-racism network that combines advocacy for racial equality and facilitating cooperation among civil society anti-racism actors in Europe. The organisation was set up in 1998 by grassroots activists on a mission to achieve legal changes at European level and make decisive progress towards racial equality in all EU Member States. Since then, ENAR has grown and achieved a great deal.

Collective Against Islamophobia in Belgium
CCIB is a non-profit association (asbl) made up of experienced anti-racist activists. It operates in Belgium, in the three regions of the country, Wallonia, Flanders and Brussels-Capital. As part of the fight against Islamophobia, CCIB aims to be active in organising training courses, conferences, seminars, information campaigns, demonstrations and any other event that contributes to raising awareness among our fellow citizens about this specific form of racism and the different ways of combating it.

Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe
Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe (EYCE) is a strong network of young Christians from all over Europe who seek unity between Christians and are engaged in the work for justice, peace & the integrity of creation. EYCE and FEMYSO cooperate in interfaith/ interreligious seminars and campaigns.

European Network Against Racism
The European Network Against Racism is an EU-wide network of anti-racist NGOs. ENAR aims to end structural racism and discrimination and advocates for equality and solidarity for all in Europe. FEMYSO is founding member of ENAR and remains a full member to date.

European Youth Forum
The European Youth Forum (YFJ) is the platform of youth organisations in Europe. YFJ represent over 100 youth organisations, which bring together tens of millions of young people from all over Europe. The Youth Forum works to empower young people to participate actively in society to improve their own lives by representing and advocating their needs and interests and those of their organisations. In the current uncertain political and social context that affects young people, they can be powerful catalysts for positive change and contributors of innovative solutions to Europe’s challenges.

Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum
The Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum is an international, non-commercial, non-partisan organisation uniting leading umbrella youth organisations from the Member-States of the Organization of Islamic-Cooperation as well as international youth organizations, operating in the OIC region and youth organisations representing significant Muslim minorities worldwide.

Open Society European Policy Institute
The Open Society European Policy Institute is the EU policy and advocacy branch of the Open Society Foundations network, based in Brussels. It works to influence and inform decision-making on EU laws, policy, funding, and external action to maintain and promote open societies in Europe and beyond.

Religions for Peace - European Interfaith Youth Network
Religions for Peace - European Interfaith Youth Network (RfP EIYN) serves as a platform aimed at bringing together youth organizations and communities from all religions present in Europe, advancing common action for peace.