Istanbul: The City That During Ramadan Speaks Poetry, Tea & Prayer

Istanbul, where continents clash, is a place where you can find anything. This meeting place of East and West is a union of beauty, poetry, mysticism, history, and several cultures. Napoleon Bonaparte once said: “If the world were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital”. Love for this city is destined to last forever. Amidst the streets, bazaars, and metro stations, greetings echo from Merhaba to Bonjour, Hola, Guten Tag, Ciao, Namaste, Salaam, Ahlan Bikum, Shalom, Selamat Patang, and Hello.

In the Kadıköy neighborhood, history resonates through its ancient Jew quarters, Armenian and Orthodox churches. One reminisces the Byzantine Empire and the Romans through cathedrals and the Muslim Ottomans through mosques, hammams, and Islamic schools. The link in the city’s architectural language articulates the peaceful solidarity in the past, as our Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه وسلم) words,

“Whoever killed a person having a treaty of protection with Muslims, shall not smell the scent of Paradise, though its scent is perceived from a distance of forty years.”[Sahih Al Bukhari]

has framed the essence of all-embracing behaviors for centuries.

From the majestic domes built by Sinan, one of the most celebrated architects, to bird nests across the walls of Saray palaces and the colorful calligraphic compositions engraved on mosque walls; Istanbul- the city of stones, the city of triumphs, home of martyrs like Sahabi Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, and the victory over oppression from Mehmet Fatih- resonates firmness and strength as much as it is has come to be a hearth of mercy for mankind. Every night stories of the wise are read, from anecdotes of Nastradin, to Rumi’s proverbs. The city’s melody is in its nostalgic poetry, birdwatching, fishing nets under the Galata Bridge, the sounds of ships passing through the Bosporus. Istanbul does not sleep, it speaks.

Seagulls fly over the ocean

In a cloudless sky tune.

Their breath sails over the bluish serenity

Merging with my heart’s cheerfulness.

Sun light warms up the soul

Passing through East & West.


Everyone remains apart!

Half of the heart beats in the city’s liveliness.

The other half in memories left hostage.

Istanbul sometimes resembles a young, playful girl, with a noble woman with white hair whose face never wrinkles. Its nature changes like that of a girl’s moods. In the morning the sun rises, at lunch it may rain and at night the stars illuminate the sky.  Its parks are tulip-like rivers, which evoke the desire to swim in them, adorned with pink, red and white roses. The narrow and steep cobbled streets are decorated with small colorful flower pots on every wooden window and white painted houses.

Voices of children buzz over the neighborhood streets. Old grannies who cannot go down the stairs to the markets, throw their baskets to the men selling fruits and vegetables beneath their windows. They place the money inside the basket and the men replace it with food for them. “Ablacim-abicim” (My sister- my brother) are words exclaimed in every market and stores.

-“Where are you from?” a taxi driver asked me one day.

-“Albania”, I replied, annoyed at his question. “We are neighbors“, I added.

-“Neighbors?! No.” he replied, with the “nooo” really prolonged. “Kardesh! Kardesh!” (We are brothers!) He pointed out twice as he took the turn to drop me at my destination.

He was right, all Muslims are brothers…

إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ

“The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.” (Surah Al-Hujurat: 10)

During the holy month of Ramadan, the city takes to another atmosphere. Its spirit knocks on all families, streets, mosques and parks. It’s as if everything freezes- fatigue, boredom and all your worries have escaped. You become so happy by giving. At the Sultan Ahmet mosque, Taksim Square, Süleymaniye Mosque Park and everywhere else, you can find rows of tables covered in white. Iftar invites every fasting person to join and break fast together.

The food in Ramadan fragrances

Brotherhood for God’s sake!

Round bread with black seeds,

Warm tea and dessert.

Sincere prayers in the light of the candle.

Every fasting persons knocks

for forgiveness,

on the door of the most Merciful.

In this month you experience Ramadan like the Sultan of all other months. Across the minarets of each major mosques are hung string lights with the script “Hos Geldin Ramazan” (Welcome Ramadan) which illuminate the nights of Ramadan. This tradition called “Mahya” reminds each fasting person: calm your troubled souls.

During the summer, fasting falls like a breeze under the positive atmosphere of the terraces illuminated by the magical full moon on the 15th night. The days of fasting arrive and pass one by one as the night leaves the day. In the end, Lord remains, Who, on these days has opened the gates of forgiveness for all His servants.

Every night in Istanbul,

The lamps light up the city

Adhan calls from all corners,

“Allahu Akbar”.

Brunilda Basha

Best Smoothies For Iftar – Tasty Ramadan

Smoothies can be a great idea for a very healthy iftar and since it does not require a lot of time of preparation, you can use the time before iftar best for making duas, asking for istighfar and taking advantage of every Ramadan special evenings. Smoothies can be best prepared for breakfast, but we are suggesting them for iftar because it is not a heavy meal for your stomach. Because when you are fasting and have your stomach empty for hours, it is not a good idea going with a meal that is overloaded into fats or carbs. Keep it simple, just something to break your fasting and take it easy before getting into a huge meal.

With that having said we are sharing with you three smoothie recipes with ingredients that you can easily find by this time of the year.

Smoothie #1 Banana Dates Smoothie

For one person you will need:

One banana;

3 Dates;

2tbs Oats;

1 cup of milk;

Preparation: Into a blender add the banan, dates, oats and milk. Blend till smooth. Then pour into your smoothie mug and enjoy!

Smoothie #2 Banana – Strawberry Smoothie

For one person you will need:

One banana;

Frozen Strawberries;


1 cup of milk (any type of milk);

Preparation: Into a blender add the banan, dates, oats and milk. Blend till smooth. If your smoothie seems too thick, add in a bit of extra milk or water.If it seems too thin, add in more strawberries or banana.Then pour into your smoothie mug and enjoy!

Smoothie #3 Kiwi – Banana – Spinach Smoothie

For two persons you will need:

Three kiwis;

1 sliced banana;

2 cups of spinach or 60g;

1 cup of milk 

1 cup of yogurt;

Preparation: Add milk and spinach into the blender first. Blend until the spinach is fully incorporated into the milk. Then add Greek yogurt and the fruits (banana and kiwi) and mix until consistency is smooth. Then pour into your smoothie mug and enjoy!

8 Amazing Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is a wonderful practice when it comes to health improvement. Whether you’re suffering from any illness or you’re just committed to self care. We should all take into consideration taking care of our health in order to be more energetic and eventually will be more available in fulfilling our objectives. The Ramadan month is very special to Muslims in terms of spiritual grow and at the same time so beneficial to the health and wellbeing. And it is amazing seeing so many benefits of fasting.

It promotes a strong discipline of controlling your actions when dealing with food, even though this is a deeper issue, but is a very educational process. It can really equip you with a stronger awareness about taking care of your heart and body, being healthy and grateful. In many of my posts, I’ve often mentioned the importance of a healthy lifestyle. It is totally related with your overall productivity, because your availability about doing great things, it really depends on your health state also. Even though there are people who’ve lacked the great health condition, and still did very well, you can now take control of your health. And fasting is a great option because:


One of the leading causes of death all around the world is heart disease and one of the best ways to reduce the risk of it, is switching your lifestyle and your diet. There is research proving that the incorporation of fasting into your diet can be very beneficial. Fasting regularly can really reduce levels of cholesterol. It also decreases blood pressure. 


Fasting improves brain function and structure according to some studies. It is wonderful since it can also help in preventing neurodegenerative disorders.


It is a great way for weight loss and especially that belly fat, since it allows the body to burn fats due to continuous calorie restriction when fasting. It helps you build a great eating discipline by improving your eating pattern. Not allowing yourself to eat between some hours, can really help. And since this discipline during Ramadan will last about 30 days, it will become a habit. Usually when you don’t eat for about 4-5 hours, you’d think you’re hungry. But actually true hunger is filled when you don’t eat for about 12 to 24 hours. So when fasting you’ll train your body to really know when you’re hungry and avoid consuming food without a necessity. Actually this is the main problem of obese people. They don’t recieve correct signals to know when they are full. Maybe because of eating too frequently and quickly. 


Letting your digestive system rest for a while, it can really energise your metabolism and the burning calories process can become more efficient. So at the end of Ramadan, you’ll end up with some nice eating habits and a stronger metabolic system.


Lot of studies have shown how many people’s lives have become longer (in terms of not facing any illness or health problems) just because of their diet. Having an efficient and faster metabolism, can eventually lead to a healthy body and a better life. 


It is amazing seeing how come that when you’re having no food into the digestive system, this creates more space for energy. This makes you feel more connected when dealing with something. Maybe reading, practicing meditation or even any physical exercise. You know, you feel easier and this is beneficial physically and consciously.


When the digestive system is taking a break, the body will be able to regenerate energies even in the other body systems. There are proofs that even fasting for a single day helps the body clean up toxins and also regulate other organs functioning. . 


Lot of studies show that fasting can help a lot when it comes to cancer prevention. Fasting is mentioned even in The longevity diet book of Valter Longo, an italian biologist. It shows how periodical fasting every month helps in preventing and even treating cancer. There are also few studies showing that fasting could block tumour development and even increase effectiveness of chemotherapy. 

As you can see there are some amazing benefits when fasting. It can be a great way to fast regularly not just during Ramadan, but even some voluntary fasting too. We can become more disciplined when talking about eating and being more aware of what we’re adding into our body. Remember, your body is where you live, so take care of it.

Valbona Brahaj
