CIRCL Leadership Programme

Incredible and exclusive opportunity with limited spaces available for the FEMYSO network!

Circl gives 18-24 year olds from under-represented backgrounds the chance to earn a qualification in leadership skills whilst learning, as equals, alongside managers from top businesses such as:
Google, Facebook, Uber, Etsy, Allen & Overy, Hello Fresh, Innocent

You’ll be matched 1 to 1 with a manager and together you’ll learn the ‘coach approach to leadership’. As a pair, you’ll learn this fresh style of leadership, and you’ll use your new skills to help each other to set and achieve ambitious goals.

There are 60-90 minute workshops and individual coaching sessions that are run over 3-5 months, and you’ll also meet your 1 to 1 match in between each session. It’s only a small time commitment that can fit around your studies – roughly 4-5 hours per month.

Register your interest here: (it takes 1 minute). Please put ‘FEMYSO’ in the ‘Where did you hear about this opportunity’ section)

The deadline to register your interest is 2pm CET Thursday 25th March

Do it now so you don’t miss out as spaces are limited!!

Application call: Active Citizens

With the current rise of the far-right, it has become clear that Muslim youth can be disregarded from engaging within civic spaces, creating structural barriers and eliminating them from becoming part of the conversation, thus resulting in disengaged youth. Now, more than ever, it has become crucial to educate and empower youth to establish creative initiatives within the area of community organising, through establishing techniques and strategies in social entrepreneurship and cross-community collaboration, while resisting community obstacles and enhancing minority rights.

Active Citizens Study Session is a non-formal educational training on social entrepreneurship and community collaboration, aiming to equip participants with key skills to be active in combating social issues using institutions and resources afforded to them.

The overarching aim of this study session is to empower young European Muslims to participate in active citizenship, by driving impactful community initiatives. We would like to upskill youth from minority backgrounds in the area of community activism, placing a focus on awareness and importance of intercommunity work, including the effective engagement of european stakeholders and institutions to achieve their objectives. Furthermore we aim to equip participants with the social entrepreneurship skills necessary to lead active citizenship within their communities. We intend to educate participants on their basic human rights, and how to address the potential infringement of these rights, upon their becoming changemakers and community organisers.

One of our goals is to equip participants (and by extension their organisations) with tools needed for them to access spaces that promote youth engagement in civil society. This will aid them to access conversations where misconceptions can be dispelled, and create new conversations around perception, community building and shared values of peace and justice.

We aim to build and centralise resources to develop this work, such as community organising strategies, to be utilised by participants in their localities and help promote cross-alliance networks. There is a focus on effective use of social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, etc., which have potential to expand the reach of minority community voices, and build spaces amongst and between minority communities and other marginalised groups.

We want participants to utilise social entrepreneurship skills, initiate inter-community conversations, sustained through regular follow-ups. Empowerment will be a driver of this goal, as we intend to create a toolkit to help participants organise in their locality. Also, to continue a monitoring network to help build specialised guidance structures regionally. This will enhance the ability of participants to expand reach within their localities producing a multiplying effect.

Application call : Step up and Take action!

Climate change is now occurring at rates much faster than anticipated and its effects can be widely witnessed throughout Europe and the globe. The environmental sustainability threat puts at-risk not only human lives but also the economy, education and biodiversity. This issue needs to be tackled by people of all ages and backgrounds. Especially younger generations need to take action, as they will be affected by it the most. Despite the increased interest and mobilisation amongst young people towards the action against climate change there are still existing barriers in engaging young people from minority backgrounds in activities related to the environment, fair trade, and the related SDGs.   


Therefore, FEMYSO, through its network of 32 youth and student member organisations from 20 European countries aims to raise awareness, engage, train and empower an international group of young people, of minority backgrounds, with diverse experiences to come together and become environmental advocates by giving them the tools to actively take part in the political process and debate.  This will aid to creating a network of passionate young environmental activists supporting each other to mobilise their organisations and communities. By leading sustainable projects, the participants will not only promote environmental actions, but they will also enrich the young generations’ understanding of the world they are living in, while at the same time promote human rights such as justice and equality.   

Apply now following the link

This project aligns with the Council of Europe’s Priority 2 ‘Youth participation and Youth Work’ and will be implemented through various means as trainings, workshops and case studies. Human rights in regards to sustainable development will be accentuated throughout the programme in order to provide a holistic understanding of the European environmental context and challenges, and the keys to prioritise and classify such environmental issues. The human rights that will be addressed include environmental protection, social inclusion, economic growth and undoubtedly environmental rights. This programme is dedicated to underline the importance of supporting young people from minority backgrounds to become advocates and to fully exercise their rights ensuring inclusive youth participation and work.  Another aspect of the programme will be enabling a comprehensive understanding of the European climate affairs, institutions and framework, which will facilitate the participant’s engagement with both their local and international public authorities. By enabling young people to advocate for climate action, FEMYSO is actively contributing to the creation of inclusive and peaceful societies, as prioritised by the Council of Europe (Priority 3). 

FEMYSO is recruiting!

Want to develop yourself, your network, contribute to a cause with a greater purpose?  

Now is the time for you to make a difference and be part of a greater change! 

Join the FEMYSO team: 

At FEMYSO we pride ourselves in the extensive network of people, coming together from all corners of Europe to help achieve our mission. Through our work, we enable volunteers to gain the necessary skills and experience to create a long-lasting impact in their communities as well as Europe at large.

Whether on a personal or professional level, volunteers go through a transformative experience to become leaders and pioneers in their respective fields. Our merit lies in the selfless dedication of teams, solely motivated by a vision for a more Diverse, Cohesive and Vibrant Europe. 

Apply using the link :

“Life beyond EU Funding: Imagining a Different Role for Youth Organisations in Europe” campaign

FEMYSO joins the pan-European campaign “Life beyond EU Funding: Imagining a Different Role for Youth Organisations in Europe” along more than 140 representatives of organisations, networks and institutions dealing with the youth from 38 European countries. The campaign argues that operating funding to youth organisations needs to significantly increase. We request that operational funding reaches 5% of the overall Erasmus+ budget in the field of youth on a yearly basis. This can only be sustainable through a series of policy interventions in the system of allocation and the overall terms of operation of the youth sector on the EU level.

Read full text of recommendations here:


FEMYSO attends the ENAR General Assembly

The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) organized its annual General Assembly between 20 and 22 June 2019 where more than 100 representatives of the various member organizations from all over Europe met to share their experiences in the field of multilayered anti-racism movement with a focus on the idea of solidarity “What does solidarity mean for the anti-racist movement? How can solidarity be a vehicle to strengthen our movement?”, as well as to participate in and vote for the candidate ENAR board members for the coming year. Just like in previous Assemblies, the FEMYSO participated.

We congratulate the newly elected board, and wishes them the best of luck for ENAR’s future projects and we thank the outgoing board members for their work during their mandate. The newly elected board is formed by:

Karen Taylor, Chair
Ghyslain Vedeux, Vice Chair
Amiirah Salleh-Hoddin, Vice Chair
Wouter Van Bellingen, Treasurer
Zlakha Ahmed
Giulia Frova
Marcell Lorincz
Laurentia Mariana Mereuta
Vilana Plinkaite Sotirovic
Shaban Sidratu Jah Sesay

Call for Applications : 2020 European Youth Event, FEMYSO Delegation

Are you looking for an opportunity where you want to share your ideas, your concerns and your opinions regarding what is happening in Europe nowadays? Do you want meet thousands of young people driven by the desire to make a change in society?
Then you are in the right place!
The EYE20 is a unic opportunity offered by the European Parliament during which you can live insightful and productive moments!
But..what is exactly the EYE?
• EYE stands for European Youth Event
• It is a political youth-led event that takes place at the European Parliament in Strasbourg gathering more than 8,000 young Europeans.
• It combines high-level political debates, thematic workshops, educational activities, cultural animations and live music into a unique political and festive mix creating a unique, fun and meaningful experience of participation
• It aims to put youth issues at the forefront of the political debate, engaging with young people and demonstrating the positive contribution they make to society.
All of this happening inside the European Parliament in Strasbourg!
“Do we have to stay inside the Parliament the entire time?”
Of course not! Because outside the Parliament there will be another wonderful event: the Yo! Fest.
Yo! Fest is an informal, dynamic, youth-led festival that brings young people and decision-makers together from across Europe to share stories and ideas to create solutions. The festival inspires, examines and entertains, inviting participants to inspect the world as it is and imagine how it might be.

200 hundred people will be given the opportunity to take part to this wonderful initiative! This looks amazing! How can I participate?
• Willing to be a positive contribution to Europe
• Currently or formerly involved in a youth organisation
• Between 16 and 30 years old
• From any European country
• Available on the 28 th,29 th and 30 thof May 2019 and willing to travel to Strasbourg
• Interested by European issues
• Preferably outspoken (you’re not afraid to say what you think!)
• Able to speak English

What are you waiting for?
Apply here!

Call For Participants: “Outspoken” Advocacy Study Session

It is time for us to present you, Outspoken, our upcoming Advocacy Study Session in partnership with the European Youth Center Strasbourg of the Council of Europe!

This year’s edition will be focusing on Advocacy and Youth Participation. We aim to equip our participants with the knowledge and skills to understand institutional dynamics as well as tools to provoke global positive change.

Places are limited so apply today and tell others to join! 


  • When: 2nd – 7th March, 2020
  • Where: European Youth Centre, Strasbourg
  • Cost: €50 participation fee – All travel, accommodation and food costs are covered
  • Application Deadline: 3rd January 2020

Applicant profile 

  • Be between the age of 18 – 30 years old. 
  • Be able to actively participate in a vibrant team.
  • From a Council of Europe member state.
  • Be able to attend the whole duration of the session between the 2nd and 7th of March 2020.
  • Have some experience of voluntary work
  • Be motivated to provoke change! 


  • Learn about European Institutions and stakeholder
  • Build skills to be able to advocate within the participants respective contexts
  • Meet inspirational individuals and feel empowered
  • Familiarise with the work of the Council of Europe
  • Build a strong network of like minded Young European Muslims
  • Start and develop advocacy projects to carry on after the Study Session

If you are interested, fill in this form ASAP by submitting both written and video contributions requested. 

For any questions, please email

FEMYSO attends the 6th CEC Summer School on Human Rights

The 6th CEC Summer School on Human Rights was held  in Lisbon, in collaboration with the Portuguese Council of Christian Churches and United Nations, where the topic of  “Freedom of Expression and Populism” was addressed extensively. 

The program was designed to offer innovative perspectives to combat populist ideas in the public sphere and create solidarity among churches, religious communities, and academics, in Europe. The participants who came from different national, ethnic, and religious backgrounds were given an opportunity to study together and receive interdisciplinary training on freedom of expression, hate speech, hate crime and how to prevent incitement to hatred in religious contexts.

FEMYSO welcomes inter-faith and inter-cultural action oriented approaches and looks forward to further cooperation opportunities with the many organisations which were present at the Summer School.

This is a glimpse from last year’s CEC Summer School on Human Rights which took place in Malaga, Spain.

“Why should I vote ?”

When it comes to elections, we often wonder why we should vote, to what extent a piece of paper will have an impact in this big matrix. At the European level, the answers to those questions seem more blurred. With the European Elections coming up, here are five reasons why you should vote on May 23-26! 

1° To build your future 

If your country is a part of the European Union, then all decisions taken by the European Parliament will have a direct impact on your daily life. Therefore, we better have an idea of what we want and do not want so that we can build the future we imagine and to do so, voting is the key. We are part of this incredible organization that is the European Union. We can go where ever we want, we can study abroad and we are united by common values. So let us shape the Europe that we want!

2° To have a voice 

We know that representation matters and when it comes to building our future, we should pay attention who we are voting for, which party is going to highlight our issues and make our voice heard when it comes to voting to laws and directives. How can we be part of the future of Europe if no one will represent us?  Being heard is crucial and can sometimes be hard, but when we vote, we participate in a common project of building the Europe that we want. In this way, we have the chance to be listened and we have the duty to use this chance properly. 

3°Fight discriminations and hate speech

When we see that the Christchurch terrorist was strongly influenced by visiting Europe, we can seriously question the European roots of this massacre and the spread of hate speech in Europe. Hate speech represents one of the biggest threats to our unity and social cohesion. Letting hate speech promoters take on the European Parliament is failing ourselves and failing all victims of hate speech across the world. We need to work altogether against this common enemy before it becomes so powerful that it can destroy the Europe that we love. 

4° We are the Youth

All revolutions and big changes in history started with the youth: we are the youth that represent the Europe of tomorrow and it is only with our commitment that we can create a more diverse and inclusive Europe. When we are young, we often pay attention to the politics inside our country more than the European policies even if we know that those European policies have a strong impact on our country. Therefore, we should take part in the discussions and be represented at European level. This is why this time we are voting.

5° Our planet needs us

Climate change is a serious, concrete and factual challenge that the entire world has to face. We only have one planet and it is only at continental and global level that we may take concrete actions to restrain and then remove the use of fossil energies, deforestation, plastic, food waste, the use of harmful pesticides and this cannot be done if we do not vote for the right people. 



about the author | Hassiba KECHICHE

Hassiba Kechiche is a Masters’ degree student in International Management in Lille, France. Hassiba was Board Member of Etudiants Musulmans de France and is currently the Head of Media at the Forum of European Muslim Youth and Student Organisations (FEMYSO).