Salam Alaykum our dear Blossomer.
That moment has sadly come. We will soon part ways with our beloved guest Ramadan.
FEMYSO hopes that you were able to pursue a self-development journey that won’t stop with the end of Ramadan.
To inspire you to keep doing good and be generous to your family ,friends neighbours and also strangers, we are happy to introduce you to the “Crafting for Unity” project for Eid and also beyond.
This initiative aims at encouraging our European Muslim Youth to engage with their non-Muslim friends and network to build cross cultural and interfaith dialogue bridges.
The Crafting for Unity project provides you with stencils you can cut out and fold into a box to fill it with sweets/ chocolate/ dates or any other delights you wish.
To support these dialogues we prepared fifteen messages to insert or attach to the boxes.
We also left some space between each message which you can use for your own additions, wishes or even translations.
The Crafting for Unity contains two stencils.
One already coloured and the other one for our creative Youth and our young community members to colour it out. You can use this opportunity to have fun with the younger members of your family, siblings, kids or cousins.
Click here to get to the “Crafting for Unity”.
We wish you and your family a lot of fun while preparing and don’t forget to share with us your creations by tagging @femyso and using the #BlossomYourRamadan🤩