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FEMYSOpulse – Latest FEMYSO news in your inbox

FEMYSO is happy to announce its newest project, FEMYSOpulse newsletter.

We are keen to share regular updates from FEMYSO and its network with you through our newsletter FEMYSOpulse and keen to hear your suggestions to how we can further develop our work.

You might wonder, why FEMYSOpulse? What does it mean?

Well, the message behind  FEMYSOpulse is to keep you in the loop and always informed about FEMYSO’s contribution to the creation of a more diverse Europe and the European Muslim Youth involvement and achievements in Europe.

Not only you will read informative and educational news and stories, but you will also find interesting application calls for jobs, trainings, exchanges, and other opportunities provided by our partners such as European organisations, institutions and most importantly from our member organisations.
There will be some other cool features to discover too! Stay tuned!

Subscribe to FEMYSOpulse here to receive latest news from FEMYSO.

To the next pulse, friend!