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Ramadan Resolutions

The best way to make your dreams come true is trough planing. You can make lifetime goals, break those on shorter periods of time and achieve one by one. So, at the end of this marathon called life, you can pick up fruits of a meaningful life.

Sahabas (companions) of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s used to make duas (prayer in a form of request) during the month of Ramadan and then they would track down fulfilment of those duas during the year. We can do the same thing, as well. Our long term goals generally need to be cut in a shorter period of time goals, for example, five-year goals, two-year goals, one-year goals. These yearly goals can be between two Ramadans. You can make them as your Ramadan resolutions and track down accomplishments during the year. Why do this at the month of Ramadan, and not at the beginning of the year? Well, because you can use blessed moments of this month and make specific duas for your every goal. You have already planned things you want to achieve no matter is it a personal, professional, spiritual, relationship or any other goal. Now, help yourself with duas made in the time of Ramadan, in its blessed moments of days and nights.

We are not far away from the beginning of Ramadan. Many people set their goals for Ramadan, what they plan to do during this period of time but they don’t do the same thing for the rest of the year. With each day of Ramadan we are closer to the blessed night of Lailatul-Qadr, the night in which many sins are forgiven, many dua’s are accepted and the destiny for new year is determined. Wouldn’t it be great that you specifically ask Allah to give you all the things you have put in your yearly plan to accomplish? Not only you can ask for those things in this blessed night, but you can also ask for them every night during the Ramadan. Use this period of time, you never know are you going to wait for the next one. The very important thing to have in mind is that believers are never on a loose. You can make perfect plans and ask for those things whole Ramadan, but things suddenly go into totally different direction. That’s the mercy of Allah and be grateful. Sometimes, we can ask for things that are not good for us or for our hereafter. Allah promised one of three things when you make dua: He will accept it, He won’t accept it but will forgive your sins in the amount of asking or He will keep you safe from harm in the amount of your asking. At that moment, you accept that things are not going on your plan but on Allah’s plan, and He is the best of Planners. Be patient then and do redefine your goals. Don’t ever lose hope, do your best and never doubt on the power of your dua, since it is ibadat as itself. You are by making it putting your plans, ideas, dreams and longings to Allah’s will, testifying by that your humbleness and acknowledging your need for Allah’s help. When you combine the power of dua with a blessed period in which you are making it, you can only witness how Allah s.w.t. in the most authentic, the most specific and the best suitable way for you is giving you meaningful life.

Not only you can make yearly goals in Ramadan, but you can also define a mission for yourself for that period. We all have visions of ourselves in Jannah, but only through specific lifetime goals, broken in short-term goals and action plans we can leave a legacy of good deeds. Praying for implementation of these goals and by asking Allah’s love and forgiveness, by Allah’s mercy we can accomplish our vision of entering the Jannah.

Let me put you an example here:

My lifetime mission:

“…and I do not intend to differ from you in that which I have forbidden you; I only intend reform as much as I am able. And my success is not but through Allah. Upon Him, I have relied and to Him, I return” (surah Hud, 88) – this is place where I find my motivation

My yearly mission:

To spark a light in every human being by complimenting and emphasising good I see on them. – this is a daily reminder

My lifetime goal (one of them):

To become an expert in (specific field).

My five-year goal:

To get a degree needed to become an expert in (specific field) as a Magna Cum Laude student.

My yearly goal:

To get the best grades in this year of study.

Now you can put this yearly goal into action plan and make dua very sincerely and wholeheartedly to your Almighty Lord to help you have the best grades in this year of study.

Let us have a positive, productive and proactive approach to life so we can leave a legacy of doing good and improving lives, a legacy that will last until the Judgment day, as a result of a meaningful life.

Melisa Žigonja Peljto