FEMYSO Climate Action Statement: Environmental justice, social justice and much more 

FEMYSOs sustainability pathway 

Sustainability and climate action have been part of our work for nearly 10 years. Climate change is an ongoing issue, therefore we have taken the decision for it to be a theme that runs through all of our work more visibly.  

Sustainability is closely linked to the Islamic values of our organisation. The earth was given to us humans by God as a responsibility that we need to protect and take care of. The best way to take care of the earth is by sustaining the natural balance of the environment and living a moderate and thoughtful lifestyle. In addition to that by acting just towards all living organisms including people, animals and plants through environmental justice, social justice and human rights.  

FEMYSO’s participation as an organising member in the “Interfaith Youth Convention” on the European Green Deal showcases how sustainability and climate justice is an important across faiths.  This event allowed Muslim youth to actively partake and get involved in the dialogue together and was a beautiful example of the progressive policy a religiously plural society could achieve.  

“Thus We have made you trustees (khulafaa) on the earth after them, to see how you would act.” [Qur’an 10:14].  

FEMYSO plans the intensification in eco-friendly and sustainable habits in numerous ways. Firstly, before we advocate for others to become sustainable, we aim to focus intensely on the sustainability factors inside our INGO. We want to introduce and also continue habits like, sustainable waste management, reduction of digital waste, a complete avoidance of plastic use, monitoring CO2 emission caused by traveling and other important measures – described simply as “Reduce, Resue and Recycle”.  

Secondly, by advocating for sustainable and climate friendly actions not only in projects and campaigns solely related to climate change, but equally as well in other initiatives. Some examples are the “Green delegation” FEMYSO sent out at the European Youth Event 2021 in Strasbourg and the engagement of our members in the 25% percent project 2022 where climate activism became one of FEMYSOs contributions to the event. As the voice of Muslim Youth in Europe representing 33 member organisations across 20 European Countries, we also recognise that our membership is actively engaged in this theme. A good example would be the Green Iftar Guide encompassed in the “Ramadan Blossom campaign” for FEMYSO, for its member organisations and also available for anyone who is willing to organise a sustainable iftar during the holy month of Ramadan. 

Thirdly, it is important to us to highlight the link between climate action, social justice and human rights. This was one of the many topics discussed during the training on sustainability and climate action “Step- up and take action” that took place in Sarajevo 2021. 

Ever since our first major project dedicated towards sustainability, “Green up my community” which we launched in 2013, we have seen this type of work as an important area of focus, the decision to embed it thematically across our whole organisation was not taken lightly. However, we recognise the true need, we hope we can provide an example to others in and outside of our community to make the same commitment – for a more sustainable world for all Insha’Allah (God willing).  

Implementation of FEMYSOs Green Iftar Guide of the “Ramadan Blossom” campaign 

After a very supportive and insightful call with representatives of FEMYSO’s Campaigns Department, as well as the Environmental Officer, we felt very inspired and empowered to continue planning and organising the most sustainable public iftar we could. The framework and tips provided led to a significant reduction of single-use plastics, usage of eco-friendly recycled paper for all cutlery and plates, and recycling and re-using the small amount of plastic we did have to end up using. Encouraging our guests to only pick up the amount of food they realistically think they can consume during the night significantly reduced food waste. 

Generally, these small interventions and adaptations were really easy to implement but made a tremendous difference to the waste produced and the awareness it created in the community 

Alaee Ziani, Vice President, Muslim Youth of Gibraltar – A FEMYSO Member Organisation 

25% project – FEMYSO’s participation in the international event the 24/04  

FEMYSO is a partner of the 25% is a project, which is an initiative for young people, by young people to ensure that their voice is heard in decision-making processes and that they are given the tools and resources necessary to advocate for causes they care about.  
Moreover, On the 24/04/2022 we took part in the international event of the 25% where we took part in different working groups, including one regarding sustainability and climate change where FEMYSO’s newly recruited Environmental officer, presented the policy recommendation of the working group to the MEPs present at the conference. 

Sustainability is one of the most emerging themes expressed in the ideas collected. Young people think sustainability and climate change should be a political principle that shouldn’t be isolated from other important discussions. Moreover, youth also think that we cannot achieve climate justice without environmental justice, meaning that climate change can only be effectively fought if the measures are bearable for all citizens. as FEMYSO, we are convinced that climate change has a multiplier impact on existing inequalities and injustices on racialised communities, therefore it crucial that the fight against climate change reflects social justice principle to guarantee a fair allocation of responsibility of the actors involved.  

Nourhene Mahmoudi, Head of Campaigns, FEMYSO 

The Interfaith Youth Convention “Striking a Deal for our Common Home”  

FEMYSO collaborated with different faith organisations active on European level to organise two interactive webinars with youth from all across Europe representing of Muslim, Bahá’í, Buddhist, Christian and Jewish confessions, to exchange on the European Green Deal with the background of their religious beliefs. Climate activism and the responsibility towards our earth is a common denominator which connects us all together. Therefore, FEMYSO gave great importance to this interfaith project. We must ensure that everyone can meet their fundamental needs while preserving our environment for future generations. The webinars resulted in a distinguished report gathering all recommendations and ideas collected from the participating youth. 

Yusra Eleslambouly, FEMYSO volunteer, Part of the interfaith team  

Green Delegation European Youth Event 2021 

More than half of the participants of “Step-up and Take-Action” took part in the EYE in Strasbourg as FEMYSOs delegation. Prior to the European Youth Event, preparatory meetings were held by the previous organising team and alumni to discuss environmental topic. During those productive meetings, policy recommendations were developed to be presented at the EYE. We went as a green delegation to continue the work we started in Sarajevo. The common goal for this delegation was to make it clear that young European Muslims stand together with all other Europeans to fight climate change and take action. It was important to advocate for the environment as Europeans with minority background. We aimed to promote diversity and inclusiveness on climate actions and managed to effectively engage in several activities related to topics of climate justice and the environment. Our delegation spread at the EYE to take part in as many green activities as possible, we organised meetings, and had fruitful discussions with various MEPs. 

Member of the Green Delegation 

Step-Up and Take-Action International Activity 2021 

In 2021 I participated in the international activity “Step Up and Take Action”. Throughout the program we learned how to advocate for sustainability on local, national and international level. We also learned what the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are and what they stand for. And this year -2022- I am inspiring European Muslim youth to become more aware of their environment and act by implementing the gained knowhow on sustainability into the “Ramadan Blossom Campaign” as the Ramadan Campaign Lead. 

Esma Budur, FEMYSO volunteer 

A Message to Leaders from our President 

On the 52nd edition of Earth Day we call upon all global citizens to reflect upon their own impact on our planet. With Earth Day falling in the month of Ramadan, I see it as a unique opportunity for the Muslim community to recognise our God-ordained responsibility to take care of our earth and our obligations towards it.  

Whenever young people are asked about their own political priorities, climate change is mentioned on every single occasion, we call upon policy-makers and decision-takers to take the concerns of youth seriously in this regard, not only acting upon their asks but empowering them to lead in the protection of their own futures.  

As FEMYSO, we hope years from now the leaders of this organisation look back and applaud the significant steps taken by individuals and governments to save our planet – there is simply no other option.   

Hande Taner, President of FEMYSO 

To see is to feel… 

Activism. It’s a beautiful concept. When I started thinking about what activism entails and how it might inspire people, I first had to define activism for myself. My mind wandered and I started jotting down words like positivity, community, unity, and fulfillment. I think we can all agree that doing something, anything, for a cause you love, brings you happiness and fulfillment. A sense of unity and being part of something bigger than yourself. At least, that’s what I thought. I started digging a little deeper and low and behold, I learned a bitter truth about the term activism. 

Activism is not defined by words like happiness or collectivity. 

Activism speaks to the darkest, twisted parts of human beings. It evokes feelings of guilt, sadness, and grief. We might not like to admit it, but the times that you see the desperation a child’s face for a Red Cross commercial, or when you see a heartbreaking documentary about innocent teens being wrongly prosecuted when you hear the news about a Black boy being shot to death by police officers.

When that feeling of powerlessness all but brings you to your knees, that’s when true, real activists are born. That’s the definition of activism. It’s ironic and beautiful in a way: we feel most inspired to stand up when others are beaten down. 

Not soon after this, I made another realization. Activism is a result of a tragic and downright heart-wrenching process. For some, including myself, the pain and heartbreak of seeing others deal with hardship is unbearable and we start closing our eyes, blind to the injustice of the world. Although it is understandable, it is not acceptable. As mentioned before, in order to stand up for what’s right we have to be inspired to do so.

We have to open our eyes.

As privileged, Western Europeans it’s our duty to open our eyes, and truly see, what our brothers and sisters go through in Syria, Palestine, Yemen, and Ukraine. Some might think of this as madness, because why would you want to ruin your night by occupying your mind with injustices that you don’t have any control over anyway? It is crucial for us, people, to do so… It is truly sorrowful, but can’t we agree that at the root of wars, big political discussions and ethnic cleansing is not only a hunger for money and power but a clear lack of sympathy and care for others? Seeing what others go through truly looking and listening will give us insight into the works of our own leaders and governmental officials. It will educate us and others on who and what we surround ourselves with. It will hopefully cure the growing desensitization we have toward the people around us. 

Besides beautiful, ironic, and tragic, I’ve found that activism is also frightening. I viewed activism as this big commitment, something a nineteen-year-old isn’t capable of. But, as a result of accepting, seeing, and educating myself on activism and all that it comes with, I learned what might be the most important and defining part of ‘activism’.  

It’s about understanding that activism can take different shapes and forms. I’ve realized that activism isn’t always some grand gesture. It does not mean you have to enroll yourself into some program or volunteer at a non-profit organization. Activism can be just as helpful and fulfilling in small doses. If looking at that documentary about wrongly prosecuted Black teens lifts the shades of your judgment and prejudices against other minorities, do so! You can proudly call yourself an activist. If there is even the slightest chance of you standing up for that girl in your class that’s being targeted, you are an activist.  

Activism might entail watching that documentary about that case you’ve been putting off. It might be watching some videos about the apartheid in South Africa or looking into the origins of the Russia-Ukraine war. I want to stress the point, that everyone, whether you’re poor, rich, small, big, or have connections or not, everyone can make a difference. Everyone can become an activist. If only you let yourself be inspired. 

You have read into the history of a conflict and added very valuable information to a discussion or corrected a slightly biased teacher about a particular issue or raised awareness about Uighur concentration camps with the result of ice skaters declining their Chinese medal or voted for a group that apologizes for the racial offenses they’ve once committed.  

That right there will have more effect and power than you will ever know.  

If we can’t directly impact, let’s at least stand with them in solidarity. Let’s make sure we have their back, not giving lies, division, and hate the space to stab them in the back because of how great of a gift it is to feel truly and utterly supported by a stranger. I have been grateful enough to have had this specific instance happen and words can’t describe how fortunate, loved and fierce I’ve felt.  

Now I’m asking you, are you willing to be that person for someone else? Are you willing to enter the struggle, armed with knowledge, strength, and bravery?  

If so, buckle up, and maybe, just maybe, we will win and return home with yet another, but the final definition of activism. “Activism: (noun) actions in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue accompanied by feelings of positivity, community, unity, and fulfillment”.

By Aya Barzizaoua


Before the pandemic, it was easy to do everything and there was no social distancing or a limit in the number of people that could attend an event and there was especially no fear of getting infected or self-isolate.  

2 years since COVID-19 took place and since our lives turned upside down: we experienced lockdowns for the first time, we could not see loved ones and we had to adapt to a new way of life. It was challenging, difficult and frustrating. People struggled and needed support. And who else than young people provided solutions? 

Young activists all over the world acted indeed as decision-makers and helped their communities during this difficult time, launching campaigns to assist vulnerable people. 

In Italy, 23-year-old Nourhene Mahmoudi launched the “Outbreak of Generosity”, a campaign that inspired young European to serve vulnerable people in their everyday lives in a safe manner.  

In Afghanistan, 19-year-old Mohib Faizy has made books accessible to hundreds of children by recording himself reading children’s books that contain powerful messages about humanity. 

In Malaysia, 20-year-old student Hasan Al-Akraa, a Syrian refugee has provided food parcels to refugee families in Malaysia and has also been crowdfunding to pay hospital fees and rent for struggling refugees, especially, single mothers, orphans, the sick and numerous families. 

These are only a few of the many examples of young activists taking the lead and making a difference in other people’s lives. Their determination, concern, and willingness to help humanity prevailed over COVID-19, which did not stop or scared them from being ACTIVE CITIZENS and DECISIONMAKERS. They believed in their projects and in the impact that they would have on people. And although the world was experiencing continuous lockdowns and restrictions, those young activists used the power of digital tools to communicate, deliver their projects and connect with other young people. 

What has been done by young activists during the pandemic, is quite inspiring isn’it?  They did not give up! It is an important lesson for all of us, that encourages us to try and be in support of others no matter the situation or difficulty we face.  

This is what volunteering at FEMYSO taught me: to believe in myself, not be afraid to make projects happen and always remember that it does not matter if what we do helps only few people, because we made the difference in their lives and made their world better than it was before. 

As the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Even if the Resurrection were established upon one of you while he has in his hand a sapling, let him plant it.”   

This shows us that even if the world is facing global pandemics and challenges, we still have the responsibility to be active and generous in the society, do something good and help others. 

So, my dear readers, let be ACTIVE CITIZENS! 

To know more about the three activists that I mentioned, please visit the following websites:  




Ramadan Blossom planner 2022


“Just like flowers blossom every spring, so do we every Ramadan”.

We are glad to announce that the Ramadan Blossom campaign is back!

FEMYSO wishes you a blessed Ramadan to you and to your family.

The Ramadan Blossom campaign aims at providing you with tools to accompany you in your journey of spirituality and self-development.
As this is a month of spiritual renewal, growth and community, the activities we have planned are tailored to increasing your Islamic knowledge and keeping the community spirit alive.

Ramadan Planner: We have created a planner to help you stay organised and focused throughout the period of Ramadan. The booklet includes pre-preparations, dhikr, Quran, goals, salah, reflections and reminders as well as creative pages for you to keep note of some tasty recipes.   

Download your FREE copy here!